The Human Realm

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Callback to one of my other oneshots, Canons meet the Betas. Context: Eda is in a mafia of sorts and found Lucia when she was at her lowest. The human became her apprentice as well as a realm jumper in order to do jobs for her.
WARNING: cursing, violence, blood

Two weeks ago-

Lucia Noceda was walking down a dark street, the human on the phone with her unusual mentor, Eda the owl lady. "Wait what?!" "Yeah kid, rival company Blight Industries. Alador and Odalia Blight died in a house fire half an hour ago. Bad people they were really bad. Pretty sure their daughter did it and took my portal too. If ya see her in the human realm, be nice. She's been through too much kid."

Amelia's POV:

The portal opened up and with a white flash, I was thrown into another world. I hit my shoulder hard on a dirty concrete surface, the ground was slightly wet too. Groaning, I stood up and looked at my surroundings. I was in an alleyway. Immediately I heard loud sirens and vehicles honking! The whole area wreaked of smoke. I pulled out the portal key and pressed the gold eye, causing the door to close behind me and turn into a briefcase. I quickly grabbed it and dismissed the item.


Amelia looked around and narrowed her eyes. Wherever she was, it wasn't familiar ground, but anywhere was better than home.

Too blinded by anger and sadness to think logically, the Blight made her way deeper into the alley. Maybe she'd find an abandoned spot she could rest in alone. Amelia stood tall and confident as she walked along. The dark alley was eerie, sounds of her heeled boots and the scurrying of rats could be heard, as well as nearby activity surrounding her location.

Soon, three guys came into view. They were all scrawny and had similar appearances. Tank tops, cargo pants, with tattoos and piercings. They were sitting around and smoking as Amelia walked past. One of them who had short red hair and blue eyes, glanced at her. He stood up, tossing his cigarette out, and circled Amelia, walking two of his fingers down her shoulder while clicking his tongue. "Hey boys, what do we have here?" he said teasingly. The guys goons got up and chuckled.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing all alone?" He puffed a bit of smoke in Amelia's face. "Why don't ya give me a peck and I can show you a good time." Amelia just stared at him unfazed. "Not interested." Another guy approached Amelia from behind and reached for her shirt. The Blight quickly turned around and flipped him over! "Oof!" they groaned. The first guy looked at Amelia almost shocked. "Yo what the fuck-"


Meanwhile, Lucia cautiously walked down the street with Eda still on the phone with her. "Fuck Eda how am I supposed to find her in this big ass city?! She could be in a whole different dimension who knows!" "I hear ya kid, but you need to get a hold of her." "And how am I supposed to track-"


The human jumped as she heard a bloodcurdling scream from down the street! "Think I found her Eda." Lucia ran down the sidewalk and pulled her red bat from out of her backpack. "Good, try to stay on the phone with me kid ok?" Lucia hummed a response and put the phone on speaker before shoving it in her coat pocket.

"You little shit!" the guy growled as he threw a punch at the witch! Amelia got hit in the jaw before she tackled him to the ground! Lucia ran into the alley and looked at the scene shocked. Amelia punched him multiple times, causing his upper lip and nose to bleed! "Argh!" Another guy grabbed a crowbar by a trashcan and swung it!

Lucia then stepped in and swung her bat, whacking the second man in the head, and knocking him unconscious! Amelia turned toward the latina for a moment before she heard a groan from beneath her. Amelia then bashed the man's head into the ground before flipping herself off of him! Lucia raised her bat again as Amelia summoned hot pink flames from her fingertips! The third guy tried to run away but Amelia set him ablaze, the witch staring at the latina intensely all the while.

Lucia panted as she saw the flaming body fall to the ground, completely burned and black. He was gone. The two girls stared at each other for seconds.

"Hey, kid. You still there?"

Amelia gasped and readied her hands for battle, but Lucia just cautiously pulled her phone out. "Yes Eda I'm still here." 'Eda.' the Blight thought.

"Amelia Blight, you know me, I'm Edalyn Clawthorne, leader of the Owl gang. This is Lucia the human, she's one of mine. I know this seems sudden but I kindly ask you go with her, she'll keep you safe for now."

Amelia scuffed and dismissed her flames. She crossed her arms and eyed the latina. "And why should I trust you?"
Although she sounded confident, Lucia couldn't help but feel she was breaking. "Please, I don't want you getting into trouble with human authorities and shit. Lucia knows this place like the back of her hand. I just want to work things out with you."

Suddenly, Lucia and Amelia heard sirens approaching the area. A helicopter was also flying especially low toward the city. The latina looked at Amelia and extended her hand out. "Come on we gotta go!"

"Kid? What's happening?"

Amelia's eyes started to tear up. Was there no safe place for her? Would she ever escape from the mess of a life she had? Why was everything so complicated? "Cops are coming Eda, I'll call you back." Lucia hung up the phone and put it back in her pocket. She then extended her hand out once more and looked at the witch with pleading eyes. "Please, I'll help you."

Hearing the sirens grow louder and louder, Amelia grabbed Lucia's hand and ran after her as the human guided them through the shadows.


Lucia walked down her empty dark street, carrying two grocery bags and a blue cat carrier. She couldn't force Amelia to like her, but she didn't care. She knew exactly what it felt like to have no family, and she pitied her for that.

With a click of the lock, Lucia opened the front door to her space to find the main living area empty. "Amelia?" she called softly. No answer. Lucia sighed and put the groceries down. She then stepped into the next room, her bedroom if anything, and found Amelia curled up in a ball on her bed.

The latina approached the bed and calmly sat down. Amelia then sprang to life and flipped herself over, summoning a ball of fire in her hand! Lucia looked at the flame unfazed. "Still on edge about me huh?" Amelia panted and slowly sat up. "Look, I understand things have been difficult for you these past two weeks, and that's only your time with me and Eda. I can't imagine what your home life was like. But I'm telling you, Eda isn't holding anything against you. Whatever you did while being with Blight Industries wasn't your fault, and she's not going to lock you away for it. We just want to help you Amelia."

Amelia looked away for a moment before sending the flame to a nearby candle, lighting it. "What's in the carrier? Is it some fucking peace offering to get me to trust you?" she growled. Lucia smiled softly and opened the carrier. "No. I don't expect you to trust me, or even like me for that matter. But everyone needs a friend. I think this will help you, if I can't anyways."

Amelia gasped as Lucia pulled out a white cat with beautiful blue eyes, it meowed happily. "A cat?" the Blight said teary eyed. Lucia gently handed the animal to Amelia, to which she cuddled it almost immediately. "Her name is Ghost. At least that's what they told me at the shelter. She was found alone in a cardboard box a while ago... You can always change the name if you want." "No."

The cat purred softly as Amelia held it close. It rubbed its cheek against hers and leaned into her touch. "No, Ghost is perfect.. She's perfect." Lucia smiled and got off the bed. "Alright, well I'm gonna get started on dinner while you two get to know each other. Food will be ready in twenty ok?" Amelia nodded and stroked the cats soft fur.


Lucia stopped and turned around. "I uh-... Thank you, Lucia. For everything." "My pleasure."

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