Jealous Blight? 😏

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It's been a little over three months since Luz came to the Boiling Isles, and got enrolled into Hexside.

Having defeated Grom and participated in various school tournaments, the students of Hexside had taken a liking to the human exchange student.

Luz walked down the hall to her history classroom and opened the wooden door, greeting the teacher.

Amity was sitting in the back of the classroom writing notes before Luz had arrived. The Blight perked her head up at her girlfriends arrival and smiled at the latina as she walked  in between the two rows of desks.

Halfway down the line, a brown haired girl from the healing track, grabbed Luz's arm, preventing her from getting to Amity.

"Oh, hi Luz! I'm Bo, why don't you sit with me today!" she said shaking the humans hand.

Luz looked up, then at Amity, to see a disappointed expression plastered across her face. Before Luz could say anything, the healing track girl had already pulled her into the desk.

Luz plopped down in the seat next to her and chuckled lightly, taking her hand and rubbing the back of her neck.

"Gee I-I guess I could sit with someone new for today." said Luz smiling awkwardly. Bo smiled and went right back to writing notes.

Luz frowned slightly and looked back to see Amity facing the window. Catching Amity's attention, Luz mouthed a "sorry" making the Blight wave her hand back at her.

'It's ok.' she signaled.

Over the course of the class, Luz actually got along pretty well with the healing track witch. Bo happily shared notes with Luz and told her about herself and her personal life. Amity on the other hand, felt a little annoyed of how friendly the two had suddenly become.

'Ugh what are you thinking Amity. Luz would never dump you just like that! She just made a new friend is all.'


The school bell screamed causing all the students to get up and pack their bags.

"So Luz, what class do you have after this?" asked Bo as she slid a book into her satchel.

"Oh uh, healing." replied Luz.

"Wanna walk together?"

"Yeah sure! Just give me one second."

Luz swung her bag over her shoulder and slid her way to the back of the classroom. Amity was finishing packing up her bag before she heard a small "Hey." from behind her.

Amity turned around and crossed her arms. "I know, and I'm sorry. She just caught me off guard I guess. But she's actually really nice Ami!"
Amity sighed and sent a soft smile Luz's way. How could she be mad at that cute, squishable face.

"Ok, I'll see you later." Amity wrapped her arms around the humans neck briefly and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, all while eyeing the healing track girl, who was standing at the entrance with a possessive glare.

Luz and Amity then walked hand in hand to the exit and parted ways once they were out in the hall. "Come on Luz!" said Bo grabbing Luz's hand, pulling her away from the lavender witch. Luz giggled and followed Bo to the healing classrooms...

A few hours later, the bell screamed indicating lunch was starting. The students of Hexside grabbed their lunches and entered the cafeteria, walking straight to their usual tables. Willow finished grabbing a lunch tray with food and happily walked to the back left corner of the room, taking a seat next to her childhood friend. As Willow calmly began to eat her lunch, Amity searched the room aimlessly for any sign of Luz.

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