Roleplay (smut)

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The characters in this story are 18. Futa Luz.
WARNING: cursing, sexual acts, no protection used (always use protection). This oneshot is for a 17-18+ audience!

Stripped down to her bra and panties, her wrists tied above her head, Amity layed on a comfy bed in a stone dungeon. The space resembling perfectly to one of a fantasy book or movie. She struggled in her restraints but to no avail, the Blight gritting her teeth as she did so. Then, the door swung open.

A tall girl wearing a sexy black outfit with a mini cape entered the room, eyes filled with lust. Amity just stared at her with pure disgust. "Luz." The latina smirked and approached her prisoner. "Did ya miss me buttercup baby? Ugh- shit- wait no. Pause pause." Amity suddenly broke character and drew a small spell circle, removing the illusion of the dungeon and revealing where they really were. Luz's bedroom.

"You ok Luz?" asked Amity. The human scratched the back of her head. "Yeah I'm fine, I just regret the lines I put in for me in the script." she said as she pulled out a stack of papers from behind her back. "They're just so cringe to me now."

"Then improvise? You're really good at that."

"Yeah, yeah I feel good about doing that."

"Don't worry about remembering my lines I'll work off of you."

"Ok ok. Uh, do you still want me to do the things we talked about?"


"Got it. Uhm, can I just go out and, start again?"

"Yeah yeah take your time batata."

"Ok cool. I love you. Bye! Well not bye but- oh you know."

Luz then left the room, closing the wooden door behind her. Amity smiled and sighed dreamily before putting up the illusion spell again.

Ten seconds later, Luz took a deep breath and entered the space.

Amity gritted her teeth and pulled at the cloth binding her. "Stop struggling, I know very well why you're here sweet thing." "Ngh- Luz you have to help. My kingdom will die if I don't do something about the dark forces." The latina chuckled and stood menacingly in front of the bound warrior. Amity looked up in "fear". "Is that so? You know very well I myself am one of the dark specimen. Why would the famous warrior and future leader of the Light side need someone like me?" Luz said teasingly. She paced back and forth around Amity. "Your power is stronger than anyone else that I know. And with your strength and my status, we can out due them."

Luz stopped and pondered for a moment. "I don't normally do favors for people your majesty. I may not act like my Dark side peers, but I'm smarter to know not to associate with Lightsiders. Unless, you have something to offer me?" Amity looked down and weighed out her options.

There was one thing she could do.

Amity sighed and looked up at the sorcerer. "Luz, if you help save my kingdom, I will grant you your freedom." Luz was taken aback. "Never again will you risk turning to dust if you were to leave the Dark Forest. I will personally sign off a safety shield of your soul."

Luz crawled onto the bed at lightning speed and straddled Amity, making her gasp. She leaned in and curled a finger under her chin, lifting it. Amity gulped. "Hm." The Darksider stared deep into her eyes, looking for any indication of a false truth, but could find none. Satisfied, Luz smirked and pressed her lips against Amity's sensitive neck, making her breath hitch. She stayed there for a moment, enjoying feeling the blood rush through her neck in fear. "Mmm. Alright. A deal's a deal." Luz whispered, her hot breath sending shivers down Amity's spine.

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