Hunter x Fem Reader

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This is going to be a three part series at least.
WARNING: cursing

(Y/n)'s POV:

Well, my dreams had finally come true. My parents dreams that is! It's been four weeks since I joined the Emperor's coven, and boy do I hate it.
I feel like a pawn. A simple soldier at Belos's disposal. Everything around the palace is dark. And everyday is the same. Patrols and keep wild witches in line.

My coworkers are fine I guess, but that Golden Guard, pfft some jerk he is. Probably thinks he's the best out of all of us. Even the emperor.

*sigh* as I was patrolling the various halls of the palace yesterday, I past by Belos's chamber. Fucking curiosity got the better of me and I leaned my head against the door and listened.

"The day of unity. The day I will combine both our world and the human realm." I heard the masked tyrant say.

Suddenly, I heard loud roars and crunching noises from inside. The Golden Guard was in there too. Trying to calm him down or something. It scared the shit out of me so I ran and continued my patrol.

I don't want my parents dream. I am NOT my parents. And so, I'm going to leave this place once and for all.


(Y/n) closed her journal and started to quietly pack up her things. The coven guard packed a small satchel and put a few books inside. (Y/n) didn't have many personal belongings in her room. She thought it would have been unprofessional.

(Y/n) opened her door a crack to find the hallway empty. She lowered her gray bird like helmet, and scurried down the hall, silently.

While (Y/n) swiftly ran down the halls to the east side of the palace, a particular guard was watching the whole scene from above. The guard squinted their eyes from underneath their mask, and leapt onto another pipe on the ceiling, now following (Y/n).

(Y/n) made it to the east side of the palace, and looked out one of the small windows that lined one side of the hall. Down below were no guards, no security traps, just a few wooden crates filled with supplies.

(Y/n) sighed in relief and took out a small gadget from her white cloak. The guard aimed at a nearby cliff, close to the ground, and shot a long metal rope!

(Y/n) heard a quiet clank as the rope latched onto something against the cliff. Tugging at the gadget to make sure it was secure, (Y/n) summoned some abomination goop and secured the tool to the floor. She then got a running start and jumped out the window, now ziplining down the rope.

The metal grew hot quickly, but her thick coven gloves prevented her hands from burning.

Halfway down, the wire suddenly broke, sending (Y/n) plummeting to the ground! Seconds later, a figure appeared out of no where and grabbed her in mid air, sending another wire to the same cliff.

The two swung forward then slowly fell to the ground below. Once the figures feet touched the ground, (Y/n) punched her way out of their grasp!

"Agh!" cried the mysterious figure.

Once (Y/n) got a few feet away, she turned to see a coven guard leaning down, holding their torso. They weren't just any guard. It was the Golden Guard.


"What do you want?" you said in a firm tone, crossing your arms.

The Golden Guard stood up and stared you down. "The suns been setting for a while now. Shouldn't you be in bed Guard 46?"

"I have a name you know. Not like I'd expect you to know it."

"Kay then, (Y/n). I don't know what you're up to, but Emperor Belos doesn't take these lightly."


The Golden Guard took a few steps forward and lifted (Y/n)'s mask.

(Y/n) then grabbed his arm and pulled him close! "I'm not going to stay here and go through with Belos's plans guard. I'm leaving and if you try to stop me, I won't hold back."

The Golden Guard sighed and pulled away from her grasp. He then put two fingers to his mask, as if he's rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"You're making this difficult. Go back to bed or I'll be forced t- AGH!"

(Y/n) punched the Golden Guard right across the face with a sudden clank! "How about you go back to bed guard! You're wasting my time."

The Golden Guard took off his mask and ran a hand through his styled blonde hair. "My name is Hunter."


"Go. I know someone who's like you. Free spirited, determined. Besides it's not like it will matter anyway.."

(Y/n) took a step back and stared at the guards face. One of his ears was chipped and a large scar rested on his right cheek. "What do you mean it won't ma-"

"He'll find you one way or another. It's only a matter of time. Til then, I guess I'll help you get past the last few walls that shield the palace property. Come on."

Without warning, Hunter grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist, making her blush, and swiftly led her around the various crates and walls. Coming back to her senses, (Y/n) put her mask back on and kept up with his fast pace.

The two made it to the border of the Emperor's palace and looked at each other, panting.


"Don't mention it. Just know this. When he does catch you... Don't think I'll be there to get you out. Understand?"

(Y/n) nodded and lifted her mask one last time. After a moment of staring into the Golden Guards beautiful magenta eyes, she leapt off the final wall and disappeared into the fungus town nearby.

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