Steamy Encounter (lime)

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The characters in this story are 18 since they are the beta characters. Harry Potter AU.
WARNING: nudity, cursing, sexual acts, spoilers from HP4. This oneshot is for a 17-18+ audience!

At 12 am sharp, all the students of Hogwarts were sound asleep. All except a certain Gryffindor. Lucia Noceda sat in her bed reading a book as her fellow classmates snored and dreamed around her, the full moon shining brightly outside over the castle.

Taking a quick glance around, Lucia set her book down and turned off her light. Coast was clear. She then quietly left the Gryffindor common room and made her way down the dimly lit corridors. The Triwizard Tournament was taking place this year and the latina had decided to throw her name in the Goblet of Fire. She got picked.
The first task had already took place that past day and Lucia was covered in cuts and bruises. Hungarian horntails were absolutely no joke, but she succeeded in retrieving the dragon's egg. Exhausted from the trial, Lucia desperately needed some time alone. The prefect's bathroom being the perfect place to relax.

As Lucia walked past the entrance to the dungeons, she didn't know another, was still wide awake.

Down below in the Slytherin common room, Amelia Blight faintly heard footsteps from up above, the girl also reading a book late at night. She smirked and got out of bed. Being a prefect herself, she enjoyed taking any chance she got to use her power. The Blight snuck up the stairs and peered around the corner of the stone archway. Still hearing the tip tap of one's shoes, the witch followed the noise.

Lucia entered the prefect's bathroom and sighed in relief, the door quietly closing behind her. She stretched and walked through the restricted area, past the large bathtub, if you could even call it that. The moonlight shined through the windows allowing her to see perfectly. No lights were needed on in that moment.

Lucia twisted a small nozzle against the wall, causing the cluster of pipes to turn on and fill the pool. The room already started to grow warm and humid. She breathed in and stripped herself down. Tossing her clothes aside, the latina walked over to the pool and inserted herself into the warm water, resting her back against the wall. It felt extremely good.

Amelia approached the bathroom stealthily. She squinted curiously as she heard the water running from inside. Amelia then shook her head and reached for the door.

Hearing the clank of the door knob, Lucia panicked and looked up. Amelia calmly entered the room, looking extremely beautiful in the moonlight. "A-Amelia!" Lucia quickly tried to cover herself but it didn't do all that much. The Blight giggled and admired the flustered girl. "Oh stop I've seen all of you before. No need to be modest with me beautiful." she teased. Lucia groaned in embarrassment. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question."

Lucia froze as Amelia suddenly stripped herself down and stepped into the warm pool. The Blight smirked and began to swim over to her. Lucia pushed herself off the wall and backed away, but Amelia persisted to follow. "Aww why are you backing away? Do I scare you?" A faint cloud of steam slowly appeared and surrounded them, making it somewhat hard to see. Lucia chuckled and looked at the girl with an irritated smile. "Amelia, don't you dare come any closer." she gay panicked.

"Hmhm why?"


Amelia pounced and backed Lucia into the wall of the pool. Her breath hitched as the girl suddenly ran her hand up her exposed chest, gorgeous golden eyes looking lovingly into hers. "*pant* I-If Lilith catches us we're both getting in trouble." Amelia hummed and really pressed her body against Lucia's, practically sitting in her lap while Lucia put her hands on her waist. "Well, that didn't stop you from coming in here did it? In a restricted part of the castle. Who's to say I won't land you in Bump's office? You're being a very naughty girl again Lulu." "Because I know you. You just wanted to gain access to certain parts of Hogwarts." "Like your body?"

Lucia's face flushed.

Amelia giggled and kissed her lips. "Ya know, for a Gryffindor you're not all that brave." "Oh please, you know as well as I my house has very vague and unrealistic attributes. I can't be fearless all the time." "Lol at least yours doesn't get a bad wrap for existing." Lucia scoffed. "Fair fair."

Amelia took in Lucia's features and looked at the cuts and bruises she had received from the first trial. The Blight tilted her head slightly and gently caressed a cut across her cheek with her thumb. "Agh-" Amelia pulled away. "Still hurts?" "Yeah just a little." "Oh. Here," "Huh-" The Blight leaned in and gently pressed her lips against the wound. Lucia shut her eyes and winced, but enjoyed it at the same time? "Mmm-mwah. How's that?" "Now it's throbbing ow."

Amelia shut her eyes and giggled, making Lucia smile. The latina then wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and held her close. "Pretty girl." she mumbled. "Hehehe. Ya know, it would go against my code to let you get away with this, rule breaking you're doing?" Amelia slid her pussy up Lucia's thigh making her flinch. "How are you gonna persuade me to let you go?"

Lucia's face turned lustful. "Oh?"

Amelia froze as Lucia leaned in, a wide smirking plastered across her face. She didn't expect her to switch that quickly. Firmly holding her gaze, Lucia pushed herself off the stone wall and carried Amelia to the middle of the pool, the water being a lot deeper there. Amelia almost looked to be in a trance. But one that got her heart pounding. "Aww where did all that confidence go? Not feeling as brave as before?" Lucia ran her hand down Amelia's waist and thigh. Amelia gasped. Lucia delicately brushed her mound and palmed her heat. "Ah-" "Hnhnhn. I think you wanted some of this tonight."

Amelia blushed and panted softly. She lightly thrusted into Lucia's hand to get more friction causing the latina to curl her fingers a bit. "Nnn- fuck." "Yeah, that's a good girl." Lucia cooed. Amelia relaxed into her girlfriend, her eyes growing droopy from the pleasure. The Gryffindor smiled and pressed her lips against Amelia's wet cheek, kissing it firmly. "*mwah* You just relax and look beautiful for me angel." Lucia slid a finger inside her, making Amelia's waist and behind tingle. "Cause tonight, you're all mine."

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