Wolf | Scarlet

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Wolf: Scarlet, I have to tell you something.
Scarlet: What is that?
Wolf: I...I've loved you for quite a while-
Scarlet: Hmmph.
Wolf: -and I wan't to never lose you again.
Wolf: *sigh* What I'm trying to say is, will you marry me?
Scarlet: I-I don't even know your name.
Wolf: Okay...but, just answer the question.
Scarlet: I'll have to think about it.
Wolf: Grr...
Scarlet: Why so upset? Gosh, you didn't really think I'd say yes, did you?
Wolf: Kind of.
Scarlet: *crosses arms* *quirks eyebrow*
Wolf: Are we done yet?
Scarlet: Wha-
Wolf: Ok, bye. Thorne says I'm done.
Scarlet: Done with what?
Wolf: *grins* Pranked ya.

@Jaime207 requested a Wolflet comm.

***outdated AF

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