SSS: Kiko #1

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This comm is part of the Shipping Stars Series.
DISCLAIMER: This is a series for Wattpad readers to immerse in feels from ships they love. I DO NOT SHIP ALL OF THESE. You must submit a commission in order to get a comm.

Iko: Why are you comming me?
Kinney: Why can't I?
Iko: Well...I'm an escort-droid and you're a Lunar guard. Isn't that a big hint?
Iko: Hello?!
Iko: Are we really gonna play that game? You comm me, then don't even respond?!
Iko: I can go on without talking just as long as you can.
*some time later*
Kinney: Sorry. I was on guard duty.
Iko: Why are you even talking to me?!
Kinney: Well, I've never met an android...thing...before.
Iko: I thought that you couldn't even look at me!?
Kinney: You're...interesting, that's all.
Iko: You surprise me.
Kinney: I hope that that's a good thing.
Iko: It is.

paintthestarz ohsnapitzcloe

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