Cinder | Kai

849 37 93

Cinder: This is going to be so stupid.
Cinder: Kai...
Kai: yes?
Cinder: please don't take this the wrong way...
Cinder: do you want to...
Cinder: can we...
Kai: Go ahead.
Cinder: I can't.
Kai: Just say it.
Cinder: BANG?!
Kai: whAt
Cinder: Thorne made me!
AnOnY666: But in a much more provocative/seductive/innapropriate way! Which you didn't do!
Kai: is that crEss agAin?!
Cinder: No, it's her boyfriend.
Cinder: also, I thought we established a NEW, PRIVATE comm link?
AnOnY666: well cress is the bAest hacker so
AnOnY666: **best
Kai: We seriously need to fix this problem.
Cinder: agreed. Unfortunately, the hacker is the best one to fix this.
AnOnY666: agreed.
Cinder: iKo needs me!! bYe!!

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