Jacin | Winter

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Jacin: How are you feeling?
Winter: Better.
Jacin: I was so worried when you got sick.
Winter: I'm alive now, aren't I? Everything bad has passed.
Jacin: Well, yeah, I guess...
Winter: Can I ask you one question?
Jacin: Of course.
Winter: Do you love me?
Jacin: What?
Winter: You've never really said it before.
Jacin: Um
Winter: You can't ignore the kiss we had. And all the things you've done for me. We've known each other since birth.
Jacin: Your head is pretty clear now that the lunar sickness is gone, huh?
Winter: You found out about the chip. For me.
Jacin: I do love you.
Jacin: And not just in a brotherly way.
Winter: I love you, too.
Winter: Well, I guess I can say that I've been hacked by you.
Jacin: How do you know everything we're saying?
AnOnY666: Cress installed software on all of our ports that allows us to monitor your comms between the ports with the software.
AnOnY666: Before you kill me, just know that Iko asked her to do it. We just kind of got a little carried away...
Jacin: UGH.
AnOnY666: But congrats on finally professing your love.
AnOnY666: Now I need to talk to Cress since all of our secrets have been revealed...oops...

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