Reading your comments...PART 2

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Moi: Hello everyone! Today we (meaning Iko and myself) will be reading your comments! Again! Haha!
Wolf: Can you please stop talking in that...voice?!
Moi: *mockingly* 'Stop talking in that voice.' Nyenanaynyeaneya
Moi: *clears throat* First comment...from @JeltatoTheDog, "Wolf is shoo kyat".
Wolf: Who is this "shoo kyat" you speak of? *gasp* Is he from the pack?
Moi: Moving on. Next up...@fabcontestshipper writes, "Wolfcress can be a brotp tho
Moi: Well then...I guess Kaivana must be a really bad drink from Starbucks. Good thing I don't drink tea!
Moi: Wait
Moi: "* slaps Kai * Bad Kai <.>"
Kai: Ow! What in the universe was that about?
Moi: Oh! That was a comment from @MeganRantsAboutStuff
Moi: @RealisticWriting says: "PERCY JACKSON"
Moi: ...
Moi: Any comments?
Annabeth: FIRST OF ALL-
Annabeth: Wait wth am I doing in here this ain't a Percy Jackson fanfic !!1¡1!
Moi: OOPS.
Moi: "Correct. It's CressxThorne and ScarletxWolf." That's from...let me see...
Moi: *computer crashes* Ah! Well, I guess that we'll move on.
Moi: *reloads website*
Thorne: Hey, do you guys wanna hear a joke?
Moi: Not now, Thorne, I'm busy!
Moi: Besides, I don't think that the rest of the crew wants to hear your joke.
Thorne: Well.
Moi: Ah, here we go!
Moi: *snorts* *giggles*
Iko: What? What's so funny?
Moi: *passes Iko the computer* Read these comments!
Iko: Wow, so funny! LOL, haha...nope, I don't get it.
Moi: Lunar_Squid: "*melts*"
"Aww look guys we're puddles" to which I respond, "shall I splash in the puddle of sorrow?"
Moi: And get this! "Here lie three wattpadders...yes, in this"
Moi: Well, that was indirectly my fault, I guess.
Moi: Next comment!
Moi: @applesandbananas599 commented on my Cinthorne comm, saying, "THE SHIP WILL NOT SAIL"
Moi: I counter with this: "well too bad because THE RAMPION IS FLYING"
Moi: #nochill2k15
Moi: There are so many comments. Wow.
Thorne: Are they all about me? *wiggles eyebrows*
Cress: Thorne!
Moi: Actually, the fans like you two together. That's why they melted into puddles and their organs were harvested by homeless strangers.
Moi: Never mind.
Moi: The next comment comes from @ScribbleTwoShoes. It says, "How has no one mentioned Kaider yet?! Honestly, I'm disappointed in you all, especially those of LHQ. *rubs temples* How did this even happen? *turns away and starts pacing*"
Moi: As @Crescent-Moon_Rogers very plainly pointed out, you are acting like Kai a bit.
Kai: *grumbles*
Moi: This is getting kind of long. Time for #spon¡!
Moi: Make sure to read the first part called "Reading your comments...". Vote, follow, blah blah blah, whatever.
Moi: Don't forget to vote
Moi: Okay, bye! My battery is dying.
Iko: But it says 91%...
Moi: IKO¡!!1!37!!0$&@!'-
Moi: byE!

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