SSS: Kiko #2

804 41 23

This comm is part of the Shipping Stars Series.
DISCLAIMER: This is a series for Wattpad readers to immerse in feels from ships they love. I DO NOT SHIP ALL OF THESE. You must submit a commission in order to get a comm.

Kinney: You're late to the meeting. Everyone is waiting for you.
Iko: I am simply fashionably late!
Kinney: Whatever. The point is, the Queen will get mad, so...
Iko: She won't get mad at me. Trust me, I know.
Kinney: That doesn't mean that you don't have to come to this extremely important meeting *cough cough*.
Iko: Oh, dear Kinney, what you fail to realize is that I NEED TIME TO CHANGE MY SHOES AND NOW MY EYE COLOR IS TOO DARK, so you will have to wait.
Kinney: Who made you the boss?
Iko: The Queen did, actually.
Kinney: That was rhetorical.
Iko: I know.
Kinney: I hate you.
Iko: I hate you more.
Kinney: I hate you the most.
Kinney: Gosh, I hate you so much.
Anon143: anD NOW YOU KISS
Kinney: GET OUT
Anon143: JUST GO INSIDE THE ROOM ANDKIS s for GoodNess sAkes
Anon143: *wistful* It's just like when we were waiting for Cinder and Kai to kiss.
Kinney: Cinder?! What???
Iko: *wipes tear* Those were the good old days.
Kinney: Okay, I don't know who this hacker is, but gEt ouT!!
Iko: It's Cress.
Iko: WAIT.
Anon143: (ू•ᴗ•ू❁) I'm waiting
Kinney: typing...
Iko: typing...
Anon143: gEt up and kiSS her so I can Win thE bEt¡!
Kinney: She's not even human.
Iko: r00d
Iko: placed a bet on us?!
Anon143: uh
Anon143: bye bye
Anon143 has left the chat like a sassy B0$$ and is waiting for her univs from bae
Anon143 has also commanded the guard and the escort-droid to kiss passionately in the halls before the meeting
Anon143 says bye felicia because she needs to change her user
AnoNy162 is here to oversee the kissing of Iko and Kinney and is TOTALLY NOT Anon143 with a new username
Iko: I'm disabling the comm link this is—
Kinney: WHO CARES, yOUR GONNA BELATE to the meeting
AnoNy162: ***you're ****be late
Iko has disabled the comm link because this is creepy and clearly Moi is insane and full of memes.
Moi: ha ha ha ha
Moi: ^^did you get that or
Moi has destroyed the comm system.
Moi has reinstated the comm system on the premiss that Kiko becomes kinky canon ;)

A/N: ThIS WAS SUpPoSed to be INnoCent and sweEt whAt have I D ON e
/// note**i am mentally unstable and this is not a true sss comm
but it could have been worse ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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