Scarlet | Wolf

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Scarlet: Ugh!
Wolf: What's wrong?
Scarlet: I was gonna make a tomato bisque for when Émilie comes today, but I can't find the tomatoes anywhere!
Wolf: Oh.
Scarlet: I don't have time to go to the store because I have to make the lemon tarts as well, and my podship is low on fuel.
Wolf: Um, Scarlet...
Scarlet: What?
Wolf: Never mind.
Scarlet: Ugh! I don't know what to do! How could those tomatoes have just disappeared?
Wolf: You could always make something else.
Scarlet: But I told Émilie I would make her the bisque! She's been dying to try it.
Wolf: Oh.
Wolf: Scarlet, can I say something?
Scarlet: Yes?
Wolf: It was me who took the tomatoes. I did it.
Scarlet: Oh, Wolf, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to act like this.
Wolf: No. I'm the one that's sorry. I should have known that you needed the tomatoes.
Wolf: Can you ever forgive me?
Scarlet: Of course. You're my beginning of everything, and this is the beginning of a wonderful life together.
Scarlet: Just promise me that you'll help me make the bisque. Without eating it.
Wolf: I promise.

ymlyml the huge wolflet fan :)

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