Jacin | Scarlet

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Jacin: So...you're a pilot.
Scarlet: Yup.
Jacin: But you're not really a pilot?
Scarlet: Excuse me?
Jacin: You're not trained. You're self-taught.
Scarlet: By my grandmother, who was a pilot for the EF! And much more of a pilot than you!
Scarlet: You're split between jobs.
Jacin: I'm just as qualified as her, if not more. I served the Head Thaumaturge, the Princess, and the Queen. She served the Air Force.
Scarlet: Why are we even fighting about this in the first place?
Jacin: Well, there are some other...people...who need to learn how to fly properly, and I don't think that we've taught them fully.
Scarlet: You mean Cinder and Thorne?
Jacin: Yeah. I mean, who trained them?
Jacin: Oh wait.
Scarlet: Well, I think that we've done a pretty lousy job at teaching.
Jacin: Thorne is in this, too!
Scarlet: Why did I ever let him fly the Rampion? He only got part training with the American Union! He's not even a captain, he's a cadet!
Jacin: Well, you were kind of stuck on Luna because of me, so...
Scarlet: How could I forget.
Jacin: I was working under Sybil, okay?
Scarlet: The point is that we need to train Cinder before Thorne attempts to teach her and leads us into a black hole.
AnoNy162: Hey! My boyfriend is an amazing pilot! He's only destroyed three batches of the antidote so far!
AnOnY666: yeah! What she said!
Scarlet: OH MY GOD!!! CRESS, fiX thiS??!!

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