Winter | Scarlet

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Winter: How are you doing?
Scarlet: Fine...why do you ask?
Winter: The last few times I saw you, you were in a modified physical state.
Winter: The missing pinky, the bullet wounds, the baby bumb
Scarlet: That's right. Well, I can tell you that two of those three things are gone.
Winter: Thank you for everything you've done. You saved my life.
Scarlet: I only did it because Jacin forced me to.
Winter: *laughs* You still have that same sense of humor I remember.
Winter: Everything's been a little fuzzy since, well, you know.
Scarlet: Talk about saving lives.
Scarlet: How did I ever become friends with a crazy person like you?
Winter: I ask myself the same thing.
Scarlet: At least my crazy is the kind that saves lives rather than enchant them.
Winter: I suppose.

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