Cress | Scarlet

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Cress: Aces, I'm so worried...
Cress: I commed the one person that I knew was available to talk.
Scarlet: What's wrong?
Cress: Well, you see, um...
Cress: Spades, maybe I shouldn't tell you this.
Scarlet: You've already told me something's going on. You can't just leave me hanging.
Cress:'s about Iko.
Scarlet: Oh dear God.
Cress: I feel like she's going to get hurt, or something.
Scarlet: Why? She's always happy; who could bring her down?
Cress: She...likes someone and I don't think they're capable of liking her back. Not in the way they should.
Scarlet: *sigh* Is this about Liam Kinney?
Cress: I'm pretty bad at being vague, huh?
Scarlet: You think?
Cress: I just don't know if a Lunar should be dating an escort-droid.
Scarlet: She's practically a human. She looks like one, acts like one...
Cress: I know, but that's just the personality chip.
Cress: Kinney's...well, Kinney.
Cress: Trust me, I've been in a situation like this before. I know what it's like to be hurt.
Scarlet: Moi aussi.
Scarlet: But look where we are now. She'll be fine, just like us. This is the one time she'll have a chance at love.
Cress: Love...right...

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