Kinney | Iko

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Kinney: Tell Cress to stop the program in the ports that's hacking into our comm links.
Iko: No.
Kinney: She's watching this conversation, isn't she?
Iko: No...It's my shift.
Kinney: Can you please just stop this? We're all tired of you guys randomly popping into our conversations!
Iko: I'll call it off. On one condition.
Kinney: And that is?
Iko: I require that you go on a proper date with me.
Kinney: You're pretty sneaky, aren't you?
Iko: You can't say no to that offer! A date with me, and no more hacking for anyone.
Iko: Liam.
Kinney: Well, since you used my name...I'll go on that date with you.
Iko: YAYYYyY!!
Kinney: But you have to plan it out.
Iko: O-kay.
Kinney: Wow. When I saw you in that house, I did not think we'd get this far. I just had my mind set on killing you, and then I found out you were a machine, and then...
Iko: I was there, silly!
Iko: Meet me in the gardens at 1800 tomorrow.
Kinney: Really? Is it because I'm a guard?
Iko: Yes.

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