SSS: Wolfcress #1

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This comm is part of the Shipping Stars Series.
DISCLAIMER: This is a series for Wattpad readers to immerse in feels from ships they love. I DO NOT SHIP ALL OF THESE. You must submit a commission in order to get a comm.

Cress: Hi, Wolf.
Wolf: Hi...
Cress: how are you?
Wolf: Good.
Cress: Cool.
Wolf: Are you okay?
Cress: Yeah, just a little sad. I'm thinking about my parents.
Cress: I miss them.
Wolf: I can relate. I lost my parents, too, and it still hurts.
Wolf: After all of the cruelty you were can you be so nice?!
Cress: *smiles* I suppose you just have to find the right people to believe in to make a change.
Wolf: Oh. Well, I think I'm starting to find my first person.
Cress: Who?
Wolf: You.


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