Kinney | Jacin

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Kinney: We need to talk.
Jacin: About what?
Kinney: Many things. First of all, this hacking thing is getting out of hand. No one has fixed it.
Jacin: Your girlfriend is the one who started it, Liam.
Jacin: Also, why do you go by your last name? I mean, I know you're a guard, but I don't do that.
Jacin: Are you trying to twin with Thorne? He's just a cadet.
Kinney: You're getting off topic.
Jacin: Have the escort-droid tell Cress to shut down the program she installed in the ports. All of the hacking problems will be fixed.
Kinney: Why me?
Jacin: Isn't it obvious?
Kinney: She isn't my girlfriend, we just happen to be acquaintances because we worked for the same person.
Jacin: And you kept her and her friends from dying.
Jacin: I know you two liked each other off of looks, and then annoyed each other, but hey. That's kind of like Winter and I, and we're doing just fine.
Kinney: Not even close. Winter was the Princess, you served her, and you knew her your whole life. You were in love before she became so beautiful.
Kinney: Whereas Iko and I, well, she's not human. She's designed to be pretty, and I was just born with it. Before her, I had never even seen an android! She's just a machine.
Jacin: But she had a chip inside of her that wasn't her proper personality chip. It was to guard the secret of the chip Linh Garan created, the one that saved the Princess. She's almost human. She just doesn't have real skin and organs and such.
Kinney: See, that lack of tissue is what draws the line for me.
Jacin: Oh my stars, you're so immature! Ask Iko to fix this hacking situation. If you don't want to date her, fine, pass up on that opportunity.
Kinney: Okay, I will.
Jacin: Will what?
Jacin: Liam Kinney?!

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