Iko | Kinney

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Iko: One can find love in the strangest of places, huh?
Iko: Do you think it was fate that brought us together?
Kinney: No, I'm fairly certain it was Levana and her desire to kill you all that made us meet.
Iko: True.
Iko: Just think of all of the fun that would have been missed if we had all died!
Iko: Especially me. Even though I technically wouldn't be dying, but my "death" would lead to someone else's death.
Kinney: True.
Kinney: When we met, I never thought I'd be capable of loving you.
Iko: I didn't even know I could love. I mean, I did, but not in that way.
Kinney: Wow.
Iko: I guess I'll leave you to your guard duties, then.
Kinney: Yeah, I guess.
Iko: Comm you later.


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