War Council

896 44 20

written by the third place winner of my comm writing contest, InvisibleGirl456

QueenLevana has entered the conversation.
ThaumaturgeSybilMira has entered the conversation.
ThaumaturgeAimeryPark has entered the conversation.
QueenLevana: My loyal thaumaturges, I have decided it is crucial for us to have these war councils over comms when we cannot meet face to face.
ThaumaturgeSybilMira: Yes, my Queen.
ThaumaturgeAimeryPark: Yes, my Queen.
ThaumaturgeThaurmy has entered the conversation.
QueenLevana: Who are you?
ThaumaturgeThaurmy: Why, I'm thaumaturge Thaurmy, your friendly neighborhood thaumaturge.
QueenLevana: Nice try. We know you're Crescent in disguise.
ThaumaturgeThaurmy: No, I'm thaumaturge Thaurmy, like I said.
ThaumaturgeSybilMira: It's not Cress, my Queen. She would be a lot more secretive.
QueenLevana: You're right. Then are you her gentleman friend?
ThaumaturgeThaurmy: NO, I'M THAUMATURGE THAURMY!
ThaumaturgeAimeryPark: May I suggest we continue our council as usual? We can just ignore the traitor.
QueenLevana: Good idea, Aimery. Now, I was thinking we would scare the rebels into submission. If she really is the princess, she would be terrified of—
ThaumaturgeThaurmy: Teddy bears. Our spies say she has teddybearaphobia.
ThaumaturgeSybilMira: Scandalous, traitorous spy. Now we know exactly what not to do.
ThaumaturgeThaurmy: I'm telling you, teddy bears would terrify her.
QueenLevana: This insolence is infuriating me. Come, Aimery, Sybil, we shall continue our conversation somewhere else.
ThaumaturgeSybilMira: Yes, my Queen.
ThaumaturgeAimeryPark: Yes, my Queen.
ThaumaturgeSybilMira has left the conversation.
ThaumaturgeAimeryPark has left the conversation.
QueenLevana has left the conversation.
ThaumaturgeLokiThomson has entered the conversation.
ThaumaturgeIridessWoods has entered the conversation.
ThaumaturgeIridessWoods: Hello? Thaumaturges?
ThaumaturgeLokiThomson: Face it, Cress, we missed their war council.
ThaumaturgeLokiThomson has left the conversation.
ThaumaturgeIridessWoods has left the conversation.
ThaumaturgeThaurmy: >:)

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