Thorne | Cress

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Thorne: You were talking in your sleep last night. Did you have a dream?
Cress: Yeah.
Thorne: You were screaming and sweating a lot.
Cress: I didn't say it was a good dream.
Thorne: Can you tell me what happened.
Cress: Okay.
Cress: I had a dream about my parents.
Cress: It was when my mother gave birth to me and they took me away.
Cress: In my dream, both of my parents were shot and killed.
Cress: The thaumaturges' faces were all blurry and distorted.
Cress: And there was so much blood...
Thorne: Oh my god, Cress...
Thorne: Come to my room. Now.
Cress: What? But the nightmare, it passed already.
Thorne: Please. I want you to talk to me, face to face.
Cress: Okay...
Cress: Thank you for comforting me.
Cress: For listening, and for not laughing or pushing me away when my tears covered your shirt.
Cress: I love you.
Thorne: I love you, too, Cress. More than you'll ever know.

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