SSS: Adran #1

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This comm is part of the Shipping Stars Series.
DISCLAIMER: This is a series for Wattpad readers to immerse in feels from ships they love. I DO NOT SHIP ALL OF THESE. You must submit a commission in order to get a comm.

Adri: Garan. We must speak about the...thing...that you have brought me.
Garan: Adri, my love, it is final. We have adopted the girl, and we will take care of her, yes?
Adri: I just do not want such an influence on my girls.
Garan: I understand, but, you see—
Adri: Was it so important that you brought this girl into our family, Garan?! To ruin this perfect household? Who knows what chaos she'll cause.
Adri: From the moment you brought her in, this household started to fall apart.
Adri: Oh, Garan...*sobs* (._.)
Garan: My love, it's okay. Nothing bad has happened to us yet. Good fortune will come.
Adri: Let us hope so.
Garan: Be nice to the girl. I know that you can, Lihn-jiê.
Garan: We are fine. Nothing is going to happen to us.
Adri: Yes...Just fine...


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