Cress | Jacin

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written by the first place winner of my comm writing contest, MrEnchantress

Cress: Hey, Jacin, can I talk to you about something?
Jacin: Wait, why me? Why now? I'm using the bathroom.
Cress: Oh...won't you be done soon? And how are you doing this? Don't guys use the bathroom standing up?
Jacin: you have any prunes?
Cress: WHAT?!
Jacin: NEVERMIND! It's a personal problem.
Cress: Uhm...
Jacin: Can this wait?
Cress: Well, you're the only other person here right now, and if I don't tell anyone soon I might go crazy.
Jacin: *sigh* Fine.
Cress: So Thorne and I were visiting the American Republic a few days ago, and when we went to California, we discovered some stuff; they were sort of blocky things with glass screens.
Jacin: K, and this concerns me how?
Cress: I'm not done! So, I managed to reboot a few of them...and I saw some creepy stuff...
Jacin: Wow. I am so scared. What did you see?
Cress: Jerk.
Cress: The screens, which you touch to use, has icons on them for stuff like "YouTube", "Wattpad", "Cruncyroll", "Flappy Bird", "Vine", and "Tumblr".
Jacin: Okay, your point?
Cress: I clicked on them...
Jacin: OH MY STARS, SO SCARY!!!¡1!!
Cress: Stop it!
Cress: Crunchyroll, Flappy Bird, and Vine weren't so bad, but the others were different.
Cress: Wattpad had a bunch of stories about us, and Tumblr had pictures of us!
Jacin: And...these were from the past?
Cress: *nods*
Jacin: Stars...and YouTube?
Cress: There were songs and...*whispers* book reviews.
Jacin: ...
Jacin: ...
Jacin: Wait, someone wrote a book called Jacin about me? That's awesome!
Cress: No! Only ones called Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter.
Jacin: Dang it. But that's still scary.
Cress: What should we do?
Jacin: Question the existence of our very lives.
Jacin: We could be on Wattpad right now.

also, please check out The World's End by sreeni_bak13!

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