Iko | Wolf

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Iko: Haiiiiii...
Wolf: Um, Iko...why are you...comming...me...?
Iko: Isn't it obvious? Because you're gorgeous!
Wolf: Um..
Wolf: Iko, you know I...
Wolf: I saw you send that exact same comm to Jacin. And Kai. And Thorne.
Iko: Stars, dammit.
Wolf: *raises eyebrow*
Iko: But, you know...
Iko: *whispers* What's my line?
Iko: You know what, I can't do this. STL ε-('∀`; )
Wolf: Have no idea what STL means, but whatever. *scoffs*

Dedicated to @RealisticWriting for commenting "#PLEASEUPDATESOON 😀" on my last chapter.

I'll give a "dedication" (AKA shoutout because I don't use Wattpad online) to the user that can guess what "STL" means. Hint: It's related to this!
ε-('∀`; ) ←

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