Thorne | Kai

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Thorne: Hey...I was looking at all my comms, and I realized that our comm link had been disabled?!
Kai: Yeah. I did that.
Thorne: Why did you end our wonderful conversations?
Kai: That was when I was mad at you, before all of this pardoning stuff and bonding and you delivering the antidote.
Thorne: Well, now that we're pals, I thought we should pick up where we left off.
Kai: Which was?
Thorne: You know, I can't remember.
Thorne: We can just gossip about stuff.
Kai: Don't you have a ship to fly?
Thorne: We're at a stop right now.
Kai: Shouldn't you be helping your girlfriend?
Thorne: We're at a hotel, silly! You were always the least logical of the leaders.
Kai: I'm the one who pardoned you of your crimes. Clearly I'm the least logical.
Thorne: Anyways, I've got lots to talk about!
Kai: Does it involve my fiancé?
Thorne: No. I've actually got exciting, interesting stuff to talk about.
Thorne: Guess what?!!??
Kai: What
Thorne: Kinney and Iko are going on a date!!!!!! When I told Cress, she was so happy, you can't even imagine.
Kai: You sound like Iko right now.
Thorne: I'm sort of channeling my inner Iko at the moment...
Kai: Wait, how did you know that?
Thorne: Oh, you didn't know already? I'm—wait, I shouldn't tell you. I already spilled our secrets once.
Kai: Our?
Kai: What are you talking about?
Thorne: Um, gotta go, Cress is calling me!
Kai: What?!
Kai: Why am I always the least informed!

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