Cress | Thorne

526 31 19

kind of dirty but not explicit, just vague...if you're an innocent smol bean you probs won't get this

Cress: You should really let me put a lock on your port.
Thorne: Why?
Cress: There are some...awfully disturbing things on there...
Thorne: Aces, Cress! Were you going through my browser history?
Cress: I was looking for some notes that I had told you to keep on there, but I stumbled upon the wrong application.
Cress: By the way, your software is very out of date.
Thorne: So you clicked on my browser history because it appeared to be my notes?
Cress: Yes.
Thorne: I sincerely apologize. I think... I don't really know what you saw.
Cress: There were a lot of weird links, and I was curious.
Cress: Now I'm scarred for life.
Thorne: Awe, babe, you and your innocent mind.
Cress: You're making me flustered.
Cress: Wait, why were you looking at those links anyway?
Thorne: Uh...
Thorne: It's not what you think!
Thorne: It's because of you, okay?
Cress: Woah, so you're saying that you think of other women because of me?! Are you planning on cheating or something?!
Thorne: No, no! Quite the opposite, actually.
Cress: What?
Thorne: Well, um...*blushes*
Thorne: You know that I love you very much, and I was thinking...a lot. And, um...
Cress: Oh my god. You were doing research?!
Thorne: That's one way you could put it.
Cress: I have no words.
Thorne: Technically, that's four words.
Cress: *glares*
Thorne: I guess I shouldn't insult the girl I'm trying to sleep with...
Cress: I'm guessing that wasn't mentioned in any of those links.
Thorne: Uh, nope.

ily guys and also, just a warning, this book is soon coming to an end...(not for a while though)

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