Cinder | Kai

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Cinder: Kai...I have to tell you something.
Kai: Don't tell me. You want to change our wedding colors?! Cinder, it's too late for that!
Cinder: What?! No...
Cinder: I'm pregnant.
Kai: WHAT?! Why would you comm me about this while I'm in a meeting!?!
Cinder: Just go to the bathroom or something before they notice.
Kai: Okay.
Kai: WHY DID YOU HAVE TOBVET PRWGNANT?! I Knwe I should have never left you alone with Thorne, but noooo, Kai never speaKs uPp!! I'm gonna have to tell Cress, poor cress, she'll be hEArtBRokeein!!!!! I can't believe it, I'm just a mess of emotionsx I can't evEn type _agghhggg why cinder!!! When I find Thorne, oh, he's gonna be in so much trouble if I can find a charge for getting the future EmoRess pregnant days before her wedding!!!
Cinder: KAITO, calm down!! I'm NOT pregnant with Carswell's child!
Kai: Oh my stars, you had me worried for a second.
Kai: If Thorne didn't get you pregnant, who did?!
Cinder: Kai.
Cinder: I'm pregnant with your child.
Kai: Oh. That makes more sense.
Kai: we're having a baby...and we're not even married?! I should've listened to Torin.
Cinder: It's okay, we don't have to announce it until after the wedding.
Kai: Phew.
oopSie1237: FINALLY! Cinder, you said you would tell him sooner!
Cinder: Iko?! But, I thought that Cress deleted all of the programs from our ports!
oopSie1237: Except for yours. I needed to be there when you announced you would be having babies!!
Cinder: Classic Iko.
Kai: Can you please delete the program now?
oopSie1237: Okay!
oopSie1237 has officially deleted the program inside of the ports (well, Cress did it).
Cinder: Finally.
Kai: I love you, Cinder.
Cinder: I love you, too.
oopSie1237: WOOO KAIDER BABIES!!!!
Cinder: Iko!
oopSie1237: Okay, okay!
oopSie1237 actually deleted all of the programs. she wishes to be alive for the birth of the kaider babies.
oopSie1237 has been forced out of the comm link
Kai: Classic Iko.
Cinder: Just wait until the wedding.

and they all lived happily ever after...except for Iko...she wanted to bawl her eyes out when the program was deleted...but then she remembered that she had to get a dress for the wedding...and convince Kinney to go with her..."as a guard," if he refused to go...

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