Kinney | Iko

537 37 14

Kinney: Hey, Iko?
Iko: Yeah?
Kinney: Um, I need to tell you something.
Iko: What is it?!
Kinney: Well...I think that you'
Iko: you're typing...
Iko: still typing...
Iko: okay, I think you have a problem with your fingers now...
Iko: i'm calling a doctor right now...
Kinney: pretty
Kinney: What?!
Iko: It took you that long to type out five letters?! FIVE LETTERS!
Kinney: do you even know what I just said?
Iko: 'Well...I think that you'"
Iko: Wait a minute...
Iko: OMG!! Kinney likes me!! He's going to marry me and we're gonna adopt Kaider's babies and live on the beach with lots of invisi-screens or whatever !!
Kinney: WOAH.
Kinney: I just said that you're pretty.
Kinney: It's kind of a given fact since you are an escort-droid.
Iko: Hmm
Kinney:  Are you...mad?
Iko: No. You just read that message in the wrong tone of voice.
Kinney: And how should I have read it?
Iko: Not with jealousy!
Kinney: I didn't say you were jealous.
Iko: Oh


it's 2 am and i apologize

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