Kai | Cinder

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Kai: Ugh. This meeting is sooo boring.
Cinder: We still have 50 minutes left.
Kai: You're so lucky. You can send comms in your head. I have to hide my port under the table.
Cinder: I still like to use a physical port in meetings, though.
Kai: Well, you don't use it when your secretly comming during a meeting.
Cinder: At least you have Torin covering you.
Kai: Do you want to get lunch after this? My head is starting to hurt.
Cinder: Um, sure...
Cinder: Maybe you can fake illness so that we can get out of here.
Kai: Who's gonna take me out of the hospital and to lunch?
Cinder: Hospital? Oh my stars, Kai! Not that bad of an illness.
Kai: It needs to be drastic.
Cinder: Hold on, I think Thorne is flying by the palace today. I'll get you out of there and we'll go to lunch.
Kai: I like that plan.

credit for idea goes to KianaReadsBooks

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