Iko | Kinney

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Iko: Ugh! She didn't do anything!
Kinney: What are you talking about?
Iko: Um...nothing...
Kinney: TELL ME NOW.
Iko: I am above you so please stop.
Kinney: lies
Kinney: but seriously, robot, what in the stars are you talking about?
Iko: Ugh.
Iko: Well, lately you've been super annoying and have been getting on my case about every little thing.
Kinney: ...such as?
Iko: The other day, you were upset that I was tasting the hors d'oeuvres.
Kinney: Those were for an important dinner party!
Iko: Whatever! Just, ugh! *rolls eyes dramatically*
Kinney: what color are your eyes right now?
Iko: not your color
Kinney: seriousLy < {~_*)
Iko: hah, you have the bad emoticons!!
Kinney: at least I don't spend all of my time wasting money on better packs!!
Iko: I don't just do that!
Kinney: oh, really? What else do you do?
Iko: coRrecT your puNcTUation
Kinney: you are not very experienced in being part of the lunar court, it seems.
Iko: I've known the Queen since...since she was eleven!! And she didn't really have a life before eleven! So yeah! Now I'm just overusing exclamation marks!
Kinney: What is your problem? And why did you comm me in the first place? I'm
whoowhoofaB163725: you guys are acting childish
whoowhoofaB163725: get back to work!!
AnoNy162: Iko I read your diary and
AnoNy162: you said he was "HAWT" hmm mmm
Kinney: what iS going on
Iko: you wouldn't understand, you're not—
AnOnY666: ME!! I HAVE BETTER HAIR'!!! okAei BYE¡!'
AnOnY666 has left the comm because he is fab at hacking
Jk jk his gf is tdA hackerr
Iko: how am I supposed to kEEp track of all of these people hacking into comm links
whoowhoofaB163725: I TOLD HE HACKER TO FIX THIS BUT mMm NO No wonDEr thEY LEFT You oRBiTtIng in space
whoowhoofaB163725: ty for letting me exceed the character limit for usernames (; lenny face extraordinaire
Kinney: I will be sure to let Her Majesty know of this problem.
whoowhoofaB163725: she already knows (°

TLCfangirl for your kiko addiction 😉

wow these comms get weirder and weirder everyday
it feels like it's not even the real characters and what they would say in that time

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