Cress | Thorne

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Cress: Thorne, we've got a problem...
Thorne: What is it?
Cress: It's Iko. She won't stop singing...
Thorne: Oh no...
Cress: I can't even tell what it is she's singing. Her programming must be off or something, though. It sounds like a terrified baby ibex dying while falling off a cliff and grunting in pain!
Thorne: Wow. That's a...very descriptive...sound...thing
Cress: look at this!

thingCress: look at this!

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Cress: now look at this!

Cress: There should never, ever be one of the first things falling off the second while it is grunting in pain and dying!Thorne: I get your point

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Cress: There should never, ever be one of the first things falling off the second while it is grunting in pain and dying!
Thorne: I get your point.
Thorne: I'll go and...stop her, or something.
Cress: *sighs* Thank you.
Thorne: Just promise me one thing.
Cress: What?
Thorne: That once I stop those horrible whale—
Cress: ibex!
Thorne: —ibex noises, you'll replace them with the beautiful sound of an aria.
Cress: I think I can do that. *smiles*
Thorne: ...Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to rescue a dying baby goat!
Cress: IBEX!

BookdragonBeth not exactly what you had in mind, but, well...

please send me some ideas and i'll credit you because i've got nothing ¯\_()_/¯

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