SSS: Cresswell #2

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This comm is part of the Shipping Stars Series.
DISCLAIMER: This is a series for Wattpad readers to immerse in feels from ships they love. I DO NOT SHIP ALL OF THESE. You must submit a commission in order to get a comm.


Cress: Thorne?
Thorne: Yes, Cress?
Cress: When we were at the palace...
Thorne: Can we please not talk about it?
Cress: No. *smirks*
Cress: *sighs* At the palace, when you told Luisa that you loved her, what did you mean?
Thorne: Luisa?
Thorne: Oh, the Lunar who glamoured me.
Thorne: Cress...*fidgets* We've talked about this. It was–I mean—I don't know, Cress. I didn't actually love her.
Cress: Then why did you say that?
Thorne: Did I tell you that she pulled up a glamour of you when she...kissed me?
Cress: I remember that, but...
Thorne: Let me finish. The point is, I felt like I wasn't kissing's you that I love, Cress.
Cress: Me? B-but what Cinder and Iko and Scarlet and every other girl you flirt with?
Thorne: Cress...they're nothing compared to you.
Thorne: I guess I was just trying to hide my feelings from you, and...well...I succeeded?
Thorne: But really, Cress, what we have is something special. What happened at the palace wasn't just a mirage. I do care for you.
Thorne: Um, Cress?
Cress: I'm typing...
Cress: *sigh* I just don't want to be one of your girls. I want to be your girl, the girl.
Thorne: I'll try my hardest.
Cress: Okay...
Thorne: I feel like I made a promise to your father about protecting you and being good enough, so I will.
Thorne: If I got you through the desert, I can get you through this storm. Now let's focus on surviving, okay?
Cress: *nods*

A/N: this was written after the palace scene with thorne and cress, so if one of them dies or they already talk about this, sorry. I only just read this part in the book so that's what this is based on, almost as if they went home safely after that and we're coming before bed or something. #nowinterspoilers2016!

@orangeflames @cresswell08

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