Jacin | Winter

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Jacin: Winter, are you feeling okay? You haven't been up to your usual happenings.
Winter: Oh, Jacin, ever since I used my gift, I haven't been up to my "usual happenings".
Jacin: So it seems.
Jacin: I understand that you hated what you did, and rightfully so, but there was a reason that you did what you did, Princess.
Winter: I know. It's just that, well, I feel as though I've let down my father.
Jacin: He would be proud of you for taking down that snake.
Winter: Thanks.
Jacin: No problem. I'm pretty sure "Cheering up the Princess" is in my job description.
Winter: We'll just have to see, now won't we?
Jacin: ...I'd advise you not to factcheck it.
Winter: "Factchecking the guards" is in my job description, you know.
Winter: ...but "Factchecking the Princess" isn't in yours, so don't bother to check that.
Jacin: I won't. At least, not as part of my job. Maybe in my spare time, though...
Winter: Just don't.
Jacin: Got it, Princess. It's kind of my job.


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