Wolf | Scarlet

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I made a French comm, but decided to just keep the English version :)

(imagine they are speaking in French. just like if you read a book written in English about kids in Germany. they would speak in German to each other irl.)

Wolf: Bonjour, mon amour.
Scarlet: Ze've! What is this?
Wolf: Je t'aime, that's all.
Scarlet: When did you learn to speak French?
Wolf: When we got married.
Scarlet: Oh, Wolf...I love you so much.
Wolf: You are very beautiful, my wife.
Scarlet: Oh! Wolf, you're going to make me cry!
Wolf: I love you, alpha female.
Scarlet: I love you too, alpha.
Wolf: You're the only one, Scar. You'll always be the only one.

redheadreading @lifesnucksnow

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