Cinder | Iko

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Cinder: I think I might be pregnant.
Cinder: Shh, try to keep quiet! Kai is right next to us and I do not want him knowing that we're comming in our heads, okay?
Iko: Okay.
Cinder: You can maintain two conversations at once, right?
Iko: Please! I once had to keep up 15 conversations and that one banquet.
Cinder: Good. Just don't mess up. And try to look like I didn't say anything because Kai is staring at you now.
Iko: Okay.
Iko: Sooooo...when did this happen?
Cinder: Iko!
Iko: What?! I was just asking.
Iko: Did you pick out a name yet?
Cinder: No. I don't even know for sure if I'm pregnant! What if I have a miscarriage? What if I had quintuplets? What if I really just have a virus?
Iko: You're making Kai nervous.
Iko: Speaking of Kai...did you tell him?
Cinder: No.
Iko: What are you gonna do when the baby bump comes?
Cinder: I've got 4 months to think about it.
Iko: You could glamour it, and then surprise Kai one day by bringing home your quintuplets!
Cinder: I'm not gonna do that.
Iko: Suit yourself.
Iko: I have a couple hundred pregnancy tests you can use.
Cinder: Iko! Why would you have pregnancy tests? You can't even get pregnant.
Iko: I know. I've just been waiting for the day when you get pregnant.

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