SSS: Cinthorne #1

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This comm is part of the Shipping Stars Series.
DISCLAIMER: This is a series for Wattpad readers to immerse in feels from ships they love. I DO NOT SHIP ALL OF THESE. You must submit a commission in order to get a comm.

Thorne: Heyyy ;)
Cinder: Spades, Thorne. How many times do I have to tell you-!
Thorne: Don't send so many messages! Kai can hear my portscreen BEEPING from a mile away.
Cinder: But I-
Thorne: Cinder!¡!1!!¡
Thorne: Look, I know that you get mad at me for sending so many messages, but...
Cinder: That's it?
Thorne: Noo...
Thorne: *rubs temples* I'm thinking.
Cinder: Okay.
Thorne: ('•_-*)
Thorne: Cinder, are your insides made of metal? 'Cause I can steel your heart.
Thorne: Haha...get it...steel?
Cinder: ( T_T)
Thorne: \(^-^ )
Thorne: Wow, much emoticomms.
Cinder: (~ᴗ~❁)
Thorne: .
Thorne: But anyways...Cinder...
Thorne: are you free tonight?
Cinder: Thorne!
Thorne: Oh ??!
Cinder: It's not Kai! I have to clean the ship because someone *cough* Carswell left food in the cockpit.
Thorne: Oh yeah! Those cupcakes were delicious.
Cinder: Let's just hope we don't die.
Thorne: ?!?
Cinder: It was enough when you...(and Cress) almost died.
Cinder: Wait, if you're comming me...who's flying the ship?
Thorne: Iko is!! (>*∇*<)
Cinder: (o_o) WHAT?? THORNE, you should be flying!!
Thorne: Don't give yourself a headache, Princess.
Cinder: Don't-agh!!
Cinder: If I eat dinner in the cockpit with you, will you fly the ship?
Thorne: *grins* Of course....Princess Selene.
Cinder: Thorne! If only I could-
Thorne: What? Blush?
Cinder: No. If my fists weren't metal...I'd punch you.
Thorne: Y-you don't mean that..right?
Cinder: ....
Thorne: Okay! Dinner in the cockpit. I'm going to check on Iko before-what was that?! Iko!!

PLEASE READ: I can't believe I'm saying this, or that I'd even have to tell you, but please don't leave hate comments, okay? I've seen some hate towards some of the ships and I know that other people agree that it is unnecessary. If you don't like this ship or comm, DO NOT READ IT. Okay? Thank you. Also, the reason I didn't do a canon ship first was because some of my other comms have been about those ships, so I decided to do something different. Also, since this is basically my non-canon OTP, I did this first. Don't worry, the other ships still will be included.

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