Thorne | Cress

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Thorne: Are you all packed up for the trip?
Cress: Pretty much. It's not like I have a lot to take with me.
Thorne: Well, we're gonna be gone for a few weeks, so don't underpack, sweetheart.
Cress: You don't have to call me that.
Thorne: Why not?
Cress: I dunno, it just feels weird.
Thorne: Oh.
Thorne: I thought you thought it was cute.
Cress: It is, but, I don't know.
Thorne: Do you not like pet names?
Cress: It's not that. It just doesn't feel...right for our relationship.
Thorne: Because it's not intimate?
Cress: No, because you're not a soft-hearted guy. You're sort of rugged and sassy.
Thorne: Aw, thanks. I'll try not to be offended.
Thorne: Seriously though, I need to pack. Love you.
Cress: Don't forget your medications!
Thorne: Trust me, honey, my sanity has gone out the window.

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