Thorne | Cinder

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Thorne: Guess what today is!?
Cinder: May 22. I thought I installed a calendar on your portscreen.
Thorne: You did?
Thorne: Well, silly princess, today is in fact May 22.
Cinder: And?
Thorne: Have you forgotten? Somewhere in that royal head of yours, you must know.
Cinder: Know what?
Thorne: Today is my birthday! I'm 21!
Cinder: And I'm 17.
Thorne: Someone is awfully grumpy.
Thorne: Don't worry. Iko will not be singing at the party, promise.
Cinder: Is Scarlet making the cake?
Thorne: ...sure...
Cinder: You better start writing your will.
Thorne: Why?
Cinder: Let's just say that a certain android told our redheaded friend that you love scallop and guava flavored things.

thank you lunarfox16 for reminding me of a tlc birthday and not letting me forget yet another one

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