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Iko: I got a Valentine!
Kai: Who?
Iko: I'm not telling you.
Iko: Also, congrats to Scarlet and Wolf. NOW MAKE RED HAIRED WOLF BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scarlet: Is she always this scary and demanding?
Cinder: Yup.
Kai: She made me...um...do something...
Kai: That I cannot say...because...
Thorne: Moving on!
Thorne: I just want to say, I'm happy to be alive and have a great life where I can see. I just wish I didn't have to see Kai's face so much.
Kai: How nice of you.
Cinder: I think this is enough love...
Thorne: wOah wOah woAh keep it pg(13)
Cinder: Cress, has he taken his Meds?
Cress: What meds?
Cinder: *facepalm*

A/N: Over a year of TLC Comms! Wow! This isn't as good, but I wanted to mark the changes, like that v special marriage and the progression of Cresswell/Kaider/Wincin/Kinko/Wolflet and just asdfghjkl this year has been gr8. Okay bye, ily all!!
P. S. THE KAI THING IS A REFERENCE TO A COMM (ohsnapitzcloe you know)

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