Iko | Cinder

617 39 19

Cinder: wHaT?!
Iko: Kinney is pestering me.
Cinder: rEaLLy?! is tHat whY yoU mAde mE leAve a VERY important cOnversation?!!!¡10=^]!
Iko: yes!!
Cinder: well, next time, make sure it's something important.
Cinder: bUt thAnK yOu foR saviNg mE frOm thAt awKwarD siTuAtion.
Iko: what happened ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Cinder: ...nothing.
Cinder: but seriously, can't you handle this situation yourself?
Iko: aRe we talkiNg about the same kiNneY?!
Cinder: your boyfriend?? yes.
Iko: *beady eyed glare*
Cinder: iko...
Cinder: wHy did you disable the cOmM linK?!!!

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