Winter | Scarlet

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Winter: Hello! I am making an effort-as the princess of Luna-to get to know my fellow revolutionaries!
Scarlet: I'm not a revolutionary.
Winter: Well, you work in line with Selene, do you not?
Scarlet: That's...true.
Winter: Exactly. Now, lets sing this Second Era song that I found on a guard's port.
Scarlet: O-okay...
Winter: *reads off port* *clears throat*
Winter: When I'm gone...
Scarlet: (When I'm gone)
Winter: When I'm goooone / You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
Winter: You're gonna miss me by my hair / You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh
Winter: You're gonna miss me when I'm gone...
Winter: *sigh* That song makes me so emotional.
Scarlet: I feel ya, sister.
Scarlet: I feel like Wolf would like this song.
Winter: I feel the same way about Jacin...


The shipping continues in...WINTER
November 10, 2015

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