Thorne | Cinder

516 27 13

Thorne: Are you ready for your wedding?
Cinder: No, Thorne, of course not!
Thorne: Aces. That's a lot of emotion all in one comm.
Cinder: I'm sorry, but it's just that I'm over my head in requests for the wedding.
Cinder: I can't wait to marry Kai, but everything else about the wedding makes my head spin.
Thorne: You'll be fine. You've been to weddings before.
Cinder: That doesn't help at all.
Thorne: At least you know what to expect.
Thorne: Except for kidnapping the groom, having the bride try to kill you, and being captured, everything will be the same!
Cinder: Very funny.
Thorne: Don't worry about it. I have the harder job.
Cinder: Which is?
Thorne: Looking good while walking you down the aisle AND while crying with Cress whilst you say your vows. Obviously.
Thorne: Could I not have been any clearer?
Cinder: Wow. *sarcasm* So funny.
Cinder: Whatever. Just let me be so I can actually be prepared to walk down the aisle.
Thorne: That's fine. I need to pick the fabric for my suit, anyway.
Cinder: *facepalm*

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