SSS: Kaider #1

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This comm is part of the Shipping Stars Series.
DISCLAIMER: This is a series for Wattpad readers to immerse in feels from ships they love. I DO NOT SHIP ALL OF THESE. You must submit a commission in order to get a comm.

Kai: Hey, Cinder. I wanted to talk to you.
Cinder: Hi.
Kai: So how's life treating you?
Cinder: *sigh* Well, life is okay, if you look at it one way.
Kai: And the other way?
Cinder: Not so good.
Cinder: I mean, being Queen is hard, and fixing Luna is even harder. I don't know how I'll fix the many years of problems in their history. My history.
Kai: I see where you're coming from. After letumosis and the war that ended 126 years of peace, Earth is in shambles. I'm glad that the Treaty of Bremen can help fix both worlds because there is a lot of healing to do.
Cinder: Yeah, I know, Kai.
Cinder: Do you-do you ever get a break? From all this? The people, the media, the praise and hate?
Kai: Well, not always. Someone is always tracking me and I'm on the news constantly and the people of my country are always on my mind.
Cinder: Really? And what about that "not always" thing? When do you get a break.
Kai: When I'm with you.
Kai: Cinder, when we're together, I can forget about my problems, or at least reminisce about them with another leader. You make me feel special and I like that.
Cinder: I know what you mean, Kai.
Cinder: When I'm with you, I forget about the tasks at hand. When we were on the Rampion, out of all the people in the crew, you were the one who made me forget about the coming revolution and what I had to do. Maybe it was a distraction, but even now, comming you to get away from my royal duties, I feel it. I miss you, Kaito.
Kai: Wow. That was long.
Cinder: Kai.
Kai: Sorry. It's just, Cinder, Selene, whatever-I love you. Or, at least, I think I do.
Kai: Ever since that first day in the marketplace, I've been drawn to you. Why else would a prince talk to a cyborg mechanic?
Cinder: I-I love you too.
Cinder: I need to go now. Iko is begging me to let her into my chambers so that I can see my new dresses from the seamstresses, and about a hundred other people are calling for my attention.
Kai: I know the feeling.
Cinder: Bye, Kai.
Kai: I'll see you soon, right? On some diplomatic something or other?
Cinder: Yes, Kai.
Kai: You won't leave me for some other guy or thing?
Cinder: Wouldn't dream of it.
Kai: Okay. Well, bye then.
Cinder: Bye. Until the next escapade.

For more of Cinder's struggles as Queen of Luna & her building relationship with Kai, read my new story, Our New Empress!

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