Thorne | Cress

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Thorne: Cress, what are we going to do? They know our secret!!
Cress: If only Cinder hadn't asked me to learn how to hack into the Lunar comm system back when she was a fugitive...
Thorne: That's great, but I don't want to be killed by the Queen! Again!
Cress: what???!
Thorne: You the throne room...Levana...
Cress: Well, she didn't actually kill you. She just tried to.
Thorne: Why do you always have to outsmart me?
Thorne: ...are you grinning?!
Thorne: I hope you are not wearing a smug face behind that port, because—
Cress: Thorne.
Thorne: Sorry, my imagination can sometimes get the best of me...
Cress: I know exactly what you mean.
Thorne: do you?
Cress: um, yeah.
Thorne: Well then, I think we get along quite nicely.
nOtKinnEy'sGirLfRienD4h: I would hope so, since she is your girlfriend!!

potterherond (I'll do dedications for requested chapters when I stop being lazy and get out my computer.)

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