SSS: Scarter #1

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This comm is part of the Shipping Stars Series.
DISCLAIMER: This is a series for Wattpad readers to immerse in feels from ships they love. I DO NOT SHIP ALL OF THESE. You must submit a commission in order to get a comm.

Scarlet: Princess...
Winter: What is it, Scarlet-friend?
Scarlet: I wanted to tell you something. You see, I...
Scarlet: I don't know how to say this, and it seems scary...
Scarlet: But...I like you?
Winter: Well, of course. I like you too!
Scarlet: No no no, not like that. The other way. The way that Cinder likes Kai.
Winter: But how could someone like you care for me? With your flames and angst and sharp tongue and curves, when I am just a graceful frame of bones and whims?
Scarlet: You're special, Winter. I can't say I'm not...drawn to you. I really like you. Maybe not love, but...well, let's just see what happens.
Winter: *smiles*


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