Jacin | Winter

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Jacin: Wow. It seems like everyone's been hooking up lately.
Winter: Not everyone.
Jacin: Sorry, that was an exaggeration. All of our friends are doing it.
Jacin: I mean, look at all the marriages.
Jacin: Even Iko has a boyfriend.
Winter: How did you know that?
Jacin: I heard. From some people.
Winter: I thought you and Thorne weren't friends.
Jacin: I never said I heard it from him, Princess.
Winter: Oh.
Winter: I suppose you're right, but what does that have to do with us?
Jacin: I was just laying out the facts. Interpret that how you want, my love.
Winter: I think I know what you're suggesting.
Winter: By the way, I'm not a fan of sour apple petites anymore. I'm paranoid.
Jacin: You really have changed, huh?
Jacin: By the way, it would be nice if you could loans me some univs. I've lost a substantial amount of money due to an...unexpected loss.
Winter: Of course.

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