Iko | Thorne

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Iko: *announcer's voice* Ladies and gentlemen...boys and girls...the opportunity of a lifetime is here!
Thorne: Ooh, ooooh! I wanna play!
Iko: You could win up to 20,000 (that's twenty thousand for ya) univs! I repeat, 20 thousand univs! Enough to buy something nice for the lovely lady (or escort-droid) in your life. *wink*
Thorne: OoOoOoH how do I win??? *excited*
Thorne: *on the edge of his seat*
Thorne: *dying of suspense*
Iko: Um...
Iko: What?
Thorne: My prize.
Iko: What prize?
Thorne: *facepalm*
Iko: Um, there's no prize. I'm practicing.
Iko: For that commercial, ya know?
Thorne: Goodbye, Iko.
Iko: Buh-bye, honey bun.

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