SSS: Wolflet #1

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This comm is part of the Shipping Stars Series.
DISCLAIMER: This is a series for Wattpad readers to immerse in feels from ships they love. I DO NOT SHIP ALL OF THESE. You must submit a commission in order to get a comm.

Wolf: Scarlet?
Scarlet: Yeah?
Wolf: When do tomatoes grow?
Scarlet: Well, they typically grow in the summer in France, though I'm not sure about other places. Why?
Wolf: Oh...nothing. It's just, my appetite for meat is worrying me and I wanted to taste something ripe and juicy to wake up my senses.
Wolf: But it seems it's kind of late for that...
Scarlet: Oh...
Scarlet: Wolf?
Wolf: Yeah?
Scarlet: I-I think we may still have some tomatoes on the farm. That is, if you'll come with me.
Wolf: Of course I'll come with you, Scarlet. I don't have anywhere better to go, right?
Scarlet: Right...
Wolf: And besides, you're my alpha female. I care about you. I think I love you, which is pretty scary to say.
Wolf: Yes, of course I'll come back to the farm with you!
Scarlet: I was hoping you'd say yes. We don't really have any other place to go, and we're better together, Ze'ev.
Wolf: Exactly, Scarlet.


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