Émilie | Scarlet

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Émilie: So, what's new in your life?
Scarlet: Oh, not much.
Émilie: Aren't you glad I pointed out Ze've to you in the tavern? I basically set up your whole marriage.
Scarlet: And here you are, still single.
Émilie: I like to keep my options open. And besides, I'm never gonna find love as perfect as yours.
Émilie: Speaking of love...*wiggles eyebrows*
Scarlet: Émilie! Oh my stars!
Émilie: You didn't say no this time, vrai?
Scarlet: Well, that's because I'm pregnant. With twins.
Émilie: Oh my! Someone's been a little busy in the bedroom these days, non?
Scarlet: I suppose you could say that.
Émilie: Does Wolf know?
Scarlet: Of course. He's the father, after all.
Émilie: Oh, I can't wait until the little babies are born! I have a list of name suggestions.
Scarlet: You sound like Iko.
Émilie: I suppose I do, based on what I've heard about her.
Scarlet: She was at the wedding!
Émilie: Oh, her! Well, she was quite the character.
Émilie: I'm just glad you told me before her!
Scarlet: You're my best friend. And besides, I'm sure she's got problems of her own.
Émilie: Like what?
Scarlet: Hmm, changing her hair color?
Émilie: I would say that sounds like her, but I can't really remember what she sounds like...
Scarlet: Talkative and chirpy.
Émilie: The champagne was fogging up my memory.

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