Cress | Iko

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Iko: Hey Cress...I think it's time to end this whole shenanigan.
Cress: want me to destroy the program?
Iko: Something like that. Just make sure that, um, no more hacking and spying occurs.
Iko: That was hard to type.
Cress: Why would you do this? You love to gossip about people and their love lives!
Iko: Liam agreed to go on a date with me. And I mean, like, and official date. Not just the outing we had a few days ago.
Cress: Liam Kinney? The one that always annoys you and refuses you? The one who helped us in the revolution? The guard?
Iko: Yeah, that's the one!
Cress: When?!
Iko: In four hours, actually.
Cress: WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me?
Iko: I was going to...
Iko: Just make sure to delete the program before the date.
Cress: Okay, I will.
Cress: We should really reinstate that gossip column we made last year...
Iko: Ooh!! Do that after you delete the program. Then we can keep the gossip going!
Cress: Okay. I mean, the last issue was three weeks ago, so it hasn't been that long...
Iko: Just add everyone that has the program on the mailing list.
Cress: K.

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